Home Is Where the Dessert Is

by Jacqueline Sirois



When living abroad in Dublin, you’ll find yourself wandering the stony streets of Dublin. Through the hustle and bustle of the city centre, you’ll soon transition from a wide-eyed tourist to being a local, learning to zigzag through the slow crowds in your path. You’ll become accustomed to this fast-paced way of life, getting used to the bus beeping at you as you scamper across that pesky third lane. But even once you take to your new surroundings, every so often, you’ll find little breadcrumbs along the stony streets taking you back home.


For me, that place in Dublin is Queen of Tarts.

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A First Hand (Instagram) Look at Experiences in Ireland

We imagine that prospective Stinters (possibly you), thinking of embarking on an internship abroad or gap year, would like to get a better sense of what an experience abroad is like.


Considering that, we thought it would be a great idea to let our program participants take the reins of our Instagram account to give you a glimpse into life abroad as an intern or gapper.


So far, it has been incredible getting a first hand, behind-the-scenes look, directly from the Stinters themselves. There’s so many nuances to living abroad, from social life with the Stint community to travels abound.


Before we give you the highlights…

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Home is…

by Sara Faltersack




A simple word with a definition that is far from simple.


For some, home is a house. For others, it’s where family is. Some say home is the place where they were born. Others say it’s a place they just found. For some, home is a place they left and are trying to get back to. Some people have one home. Some people have many homes. Others even have no home at all.


Home is shelter. Home is friends. Home is family. Home is familiarity. Home is love. Home is belonging.

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The Best Memories Are The Moments You Can’t Predict

by Katrina Carlson


Here I am, less than three weeks from my departure date, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous! It’s a feeling that I’ve come to know well. I welcome it as an omen that I’m doing something good for me and stepping out of my comfort zone.


Generally, people call this the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. As I begin packing and training my replacement at work, I reminisce about working as the records custodian at a local chiropractic office for the last five years; I started there before I could even drive. That job has given so much to me. It is a support group that has encouraged many of my endeavors. It has also provided me the financial means to travel (to France twice and Ireland once before this latest stint for my internship abroad). I am indebted to the individuals who helped me grow into the person I am today.


So, to refer to this part of my life as a chapter would be an understatement. Instead, I would say that this is the end of the first book and the beginning of the next instalment in my saga.

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Irish landscape

Interning Abroad Inspired Me And My Art

by Kelly-Ann Desouza


Interning abroad was something that I never thought I would do.


Actually, it never occurred to me that it was something I could do. The whole process happened so fast that I remember thinking to myself as I boarded the plane: Is this real life? Is this really happening?


Yes, it was real, it happened, and my world got immensely bigger.

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Peri Bowman

A Chat with Peri Bowman, Architecture Intern

My name is Peri Bowman. I’m 21, from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. I’m currently midway between my Bachelor of Architecture and Masters of Architecture degrees and I’m here doing an internship with Paul Keogh Architects.


So, why Ireland?


I didn’t have a particular place I wanted to go. I’d finished my degree but I felt I didn’t really know what to do with my three years of learning. I didn’t know if it was actually enough to be able to work. So I wanted to get out there and see what I could do with what I learned. As part of our masters program, we have to write a thesis. I had no idea what I want to write about so I hoped working would help point me in the right direction. My friend Mia decided she was going to Ireland and asked me to come. So, here I am!

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Amy Beam, Public Relations Intern

Amy Beam (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) is a communications student. She was a PR intern with Rachel Dalton Communications in Summer 2015.

Kelly-Ann and Ben

A Q&A with Kelly-Ann, Animation Intern

My name is Kelly-Ann and I am an art student hailing from the glorious and almighty frozen tundra known as Canada. I did an internship in Ireland this spring with an animation distribution company called Monster Entertainment.

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